Most Popular Characters

Emma Woodhouse knows what's best for everyone else. Just don't try to tell her what to do. See her in Emma.

Park feels like an outsider everywhere he goes, but he doesn't know if he wants to try fitting in anymore. See him in Eleanor and Park .

It's a mad, mad world, but Alice has a surprisingly level head as goes her own way down the rabbit hole. See her in Alice in Wonderland.

Innately shy, Ginny Weasley is growing into a feisty, independent spirit. See her in Harry Potter Series.

Quiet and brooding, Ennis Del Mar keeps his true passions close to the chest. See him in Brokeback Mountain.

Beloved by all, Lucy is the most corageous Pevensie. See her in The Chronicles of Narnia.

Raised to happily follow the rules, Cassia might actually be more rebellious than she thinks she is. See them in Matched .

Haymitch Abernathy is a trainer for the tributes of District 12, although he's never sober enough to give much advice. See him in The Hunger Games .

A malevolent dark wizard, Voldemort is so fearsome that he's known primarily as "He Who Must Not Be Named." See him in Harry Potter Series.

Madman, murderer, or musician? No one knows the Phantom behind the mask. See him in The Phantom of the Opera.

This mathematical genius doesn't have time for small talk; Alan Turing needs to break Enigma, the Nazi's cipher machine. See him in The Imitation Game.

Lyra Belacqua is prone to getting in trouble, but she's also clever enough to get out of it. Most of the time. See her in The Golden Compass.

Tiffany Doggett is usually a nice, good Christian. Just don't get her riled up! See her in Orange Is The New Black.

The White Queen been treated horribly, but the day of her victory is almost near. See her in Alice in Wonderland.

Elena Gilbert is the quintessential girl-next-door who gets involved with the new "boy" at school. See her in The Vampire Diaries.

Hawkeye Pierce is a Devil-may-care Army doc who'd have the Devil laughing and drinking in five minutes flat. See him in M*A*S*H.

The Hastings family is old and powerful, and Spencer will do anything to continue excelling. See her in Pretty Little Liars.

Matilda Wormwood is so smart, she taught herself how to be psychic. See her in Matilda.

Juliet Capulet falls head over heels for her rival family's resident sweet talker, Romeo. See her in Romeo & Juliet.

Edmund Pevensie isn't a bad person, but he did sell his siblings out for a tin of Turkish Delight. See him in The Chronicles of Narnia.

Though raised to think of himself as a monster, Quasimodo has a heart that holds nothing but compassion. See him in The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Southern belle Scarlett O'Hara is a heart-melter who has no problem looking after herself. See her in Gone with the Wind.

The self-proclaimed "only guilty man in Shawshank prison" has wisdom to share, such as the best way to smuggle a Rita Hayworth poster into a Maine prison. See him in The Shawshank Redemption.

Effortlessly sexy, calm, and collected, Eric Northman is equally at home ripping off heads and flirting with waitresses. See him in True Blood.