Because you like SHODAN in System Shock

Simon Belmont is a vampire hunter bravely carrying on the family business. See them in Castlevania.

Gruff and sarcastic, Detective Harry Dresden use unconventional ways to track down perps, including using magic and the supernatural. See them in The Dresden Files.

Jin Kazama is a fearsome warrior torn between the darkness and the light. See them in Tekken .

James Gordon happens to be the one guy in Gotham City with proper morals who doesn't also run around in a cape. See them in DC Extended Universe.

Faith balances her adventurous thrill-seeking attitude with a righteous passion for justice. See them in Mirror's Edge.

Frank West enjoys the adventure that comes from his work. But a zombie outbreak might be a little too much even for him. See them in Dead Rising.

Char is always thinking two or three steps ahead of the enemy. See them in Mobile Suit Gundam Series.

It turns out Dracula's son Alucard has some pretty severe daddy issues. See them in Castlevania.

Although Morrigan knows every kind of magic there is, friendship is an untested area for her. See them in Dragon Age Series.

An assassin with supernatural gifts, Corvo Attano is the last guy you should frame for murder. See them in Dishonored.

Fox McCloud leads a team of pilots through the Lylat System in search of the evil genius Andross, the villain that killed his father. See them in Star Fox.