Because you like SHODAN in System Shock

Most of the world has been wiped out from The Beast. And when The Beast comes, Cole MacGrath will be ready. See them in inFAMOUS.

Dr. Gordon Freeman is a brilliant physicist is a quiet hero. And given all the violent aliens, he better be. See them in Half-Life.

Harry Mason has been told that he worries too much, that he's a little paranoid. But he just wants to protect what he loves. See them in Silent Hill.

Those who stand against this singular super ninja are doomed to fail. See them in Ninja Gaiden.

A jaded skeptic who only wants to get paid, Garrett becomes involved in bigger struggles that force him to be less self-serving. See them in Thief.

Big Boss is a disillusioned mercenary commander who wants to create a world for soldiers (and soldiers alone). See them in Metal Gear Series.

Bad-ass Rayne has sworn her life to finding and destroying her vampire dad, Kagan, and killing as many other vampires as she can in the bargain. See them in BloodRayne .

Raiden is an efficient soldier haunted by his repressed past. See them in Metal Gear Series.

Gruff and efficient, Sam Fisher protects a nation that can never admit he exists. See them in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell.

A great galactic bounty hunter, Samus Aran is not as good at expressing emotions. See them in Metroid.

A formerly righteous wizard, Saruman has been corrupted by the forces of evil. See them in The Lord of the Rings.