Because you like Raiden in Metal Gear Series

Liu Kang spends his days training his body and spirit, seeking to become the ultimate warrior. See them in Mortal Kombat.

Even with the world on the line, Bayonetta is an Umbra Witch who maintains a biting sense of humor. See them in Bayonetta.

A gruff and hardened professional, Marcus Fenix keeps his emotions buried deep. See them in Gears of War.

Sephiroth wants nothing more than to seize the power of the Lifestream in order to become a god. See them in Final Fantasy Series.

Stuck somewhere between life and death, Talion is motivated by one thing only: vengeance. See them in Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor.

Dr. Gordon Freeman is a brilliant physicist is a quiet hero. And given all the violent aliens, he better be. See them in Half-Life.

An assassin with supernatural gifts, Corvo Attano is the last guy you should frame for murder. See them in Dishonored.

Fox McCloud leads a team of pilots through the Lylat System in search of the evil genius Andross, the villain that killed his father. See them in Star Fox.

Did he ever tell you the definition of insanity? Just wait, and this psychopath will do just that. See them in Far Cry 3.

Red doesn't like to explain herself. She wants her work to do the talking. See them in Transistor.