Because you like Char in Mobile Suit Gundam Series

An agile and powerful swordswoman, Saber is a dignified warrior down to her bones. See them in Fate/Stay Night.

Years of brutal winters, foreign invasions, and crippling loneliness have left Russia's mental state far from wholly intact. See them in Axis Powers Hetalia.

There are rumors that the Spirit was an Egyptian Pharaoh in his past, but without any memories, he doesn't know how true they are. See them in Yu-Gi-Oh! .

For Celty Sturluson, it's rather upsetting to be the only headless girl in a city filled with full-bodied humans. See them in Durarara!!.

It turns out Dracula's son Alucard has some pretty severe daddy issues. See them in Castlevania.

A vampire hunter, Integra Hellsing doesn't tolerate failure, least of all her own. See them in Hellsing.

Everyone is just a chess piece, and Izaya Orihara is a master player. See them in Durarara!!.

Given his ability to wrench street signs from the ground, Shizuo Heiwajima is a useful one to have in dangerous Ikekuburo. See them in Durarara!!.

Empathetic Nausicaa embraces all forms of life, even those that might scare other people. See them in Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind.

Rue is an icy prima ballerina whose obsession with perfection obscures a hidden desire to be loved. See them in Princess Tutu.

Years of being the less desirable Vargas sibling have given Romano quite an inferiority complex, as well as the temper to match. See them in Axis Powers Hetalia.

For somebody who won't answer questions, the enigmatic C.C. sure asks a lot of them. See them in Code Geass.