

    Princess Tutu

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew Up... in a fairytale. Growing up in the town of The Prince and the Raven, Rue was raised on stories of the monstrous Raven and the brave prince who, at the cost of his own heart, sealed it away. What exactly Rue's role in all this, she doesn't know, but author Drosselmeyer seems to have grand plans for her in his new story.

Living... at Gold Crown Academy, a ballet boarding school where Rue is the star student. It's certainly not a conventional school, with cats working as teachers and Chihuahuas dancing pas de deux, but no one really seems to think anything of it.

Profession... star ballerina at Gold Crown. Outside of school, however, she's recently taken up the role of Princess Kraehe, the arch-nemesis of newly-arrived heroine Princess Tutu, who is intent on restoring former-prince Mytho's heart to him. Rue, however, has her own reasons for keeping Mytho heartless, and as Kraehe, she has the power to keep him that way.  

Interests... ballet, Mytho, and very little else. Rue has no interest in making friends, and when new student Ahiru talks to her, she's surprised: "talking like this, with another girl... I've never done it before."

Relationship Status... dating Mytho, and determined to keep it that way. Mytho might not have a heart to love her with, but that doesn't matter much to Rue. As she puts it, "the only one I've ever had eyes for is Mytho. Whether or not he has a heart does not change the simple fact that I love him."

Challenge... keeping Princess Tutu from returning Mytho's heart to him. As Kraehe, she does so to serve the deadly Raven who is sealed, but not dead; as Rue, she's hell-bent on keeping Mytho from gaining his heart because she is afraid that a restored Mytho will no longer love her.

Personality... aloof, insecure, and violently jealous of Mytho. As Gold Crown's star ballerina, Rue can come off as rather distant and cold, but underneath her aura of perfection is a young girl desperate to be loved. To Rue, Mytho seems to be her only chance at being wanted, and she's determined to keep him close, even if it means depriving Mytho of a heart. in a fairytale. Growing up in the town of The Prince and the Raven, Rue was raised on stories of the monstrous Raven and the brave prince who, at the cost of his own heart, sealed it away. What exactly Rue's role in all this, she doesn't know, but author Drosselmeyer seems to have grand plans for her in his new story.


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