Because you like Altair Ibn-La'Ahad in Assassin's Creed Series
If anyone can stay optimistic and friendly under harsh alien rule, it's Alyx Vance. See them in Half-Life 2.
Kind and friendly, Rinoa Heartilly is nonetheless an effective freedom fighter. See them in Final Fantasy Series.
Faith balances her adventurous thrill-seeking attitude with a righteous passion for justice. See them in Mirror's Edge.
After figuring out how both the light and dark halves of his soul could co-exist, Jak is maturing into a real hero. See them in Jak and Daxter.
Ratchet is a shoot-first, ask-questions-later, and then-shoot-again kind of lombax. See them in Ratchet & Clank.
Clank is the quintessential rational, intelligent robot sidekick. See them in Ratchet & Clank.
Big Boss is a disillusioned mercenary commander who wants to create a world for soldiers (and soldiers alone). See them in Metal Gear Series.
For Kazuya Mishima, the power of the Devil is now his and his alone. See them in Tekken .
Don't let his old age fool you, Heihachi Mishima is a ruthless pragmatist who values self-reliance above all else. See them in Tekken .
Fox McCloud leads a team of pilots through the Lylat System in search of the evil genius Andross, the villain that killed his father. See them in Star Fox.
As a monster-hunter cursed with supernatural abilities, Geralt of Rivia is a cynic burdened by scruples in an unscrupulous world. See them in The Witcher.