Because you like Schmidt in 21 Jump Street

Ava may just be the perfect woman. So long as she can pass a Turing test. See them in Ex Machina.

To cope with injustice, Connor finds meaning in his strict and unbreakable code of honor. See them in Assassin's Creed Series.

A hardboiled 1940s detective, Cole Phelps is haunted by his past in World War II. See them in L.A. Noire.

Peppy and optimistic, Joy is totally lost when it comes to dealing with Sadness. See them in Inside Out.

Most of the world has been wiped out from The Beast. And when The Beast comes, Cole MacGrath will be ready. See them in inFAMOUS.

Stuck on a lifeboat with zoo animals without food and fresh water, Pi Patel uses his intelligence to face the greatest test of all: survival. See them in Life of Pi.

Sterling Archer is a fun-loving, car-driving spy extraordinaire. But one can tell his mother didn't hug him as a child. See them in Archer.

Mr. Blonde is the undisputed leader of his pack of suited-up outlaws, with a stoic and serious demeanor, and a penchant for bloodshed. See them in Reservoir Dogs.

Cosmo Kramer is an eccentric schemer whom you might know better as the "Assman." See them in Seinfeld.

The only thing that can match Rose's looks are her hot temper and free spirit. See them in Titanic.

A debonair spy, Harry Hart is the epitome of a gentleman, even when he calmly takes down multiple men with a militarized umbrella. See them in Kingsman: The Secret Service.