Because you like Schmidt in 21 Jump Street

Lloyd Dobler is a kickboxer wearing his heart on his sleeve who would do anything for the woman he loves. See them in Say Anything.

A sweet princess , Giselle is about to realize that life is no fairy tale. See them in Enchanted.

They say they saved Adam Jensen by turning him into a cyborg, but he's not sure saved is the right word. See them in Deus Ex Series.

Marv is a brutish but principled thug who'd be right at home on an ancient battlefield. See them in Sin City.

Rhodes has to trust his conscience to guide him through a political struggle that could change the very shape of modern warfare. See them in Marvel Cinematic Universe.

It's time somebody has to take over. It might as well be Fish Mooney. See them in Gotham.

Optimus Prime is a shapeshifting sentient robot leading a team of robots to stop evil from taking over. See them in Transformers.

Sylar's victims are found all over the country, many with their brains removed. See them in Heroes.

Altair Ibn-La'Ahad is as much a philosopher and detective as he is a killer. He takes nothing at face value and continually searches for deeper truths. See them in Assassin's Creed Series.

She's a survivor of gunshots, of being buried alive, nand of paralysis. And now Beatrix Kiddo is going to make her abusers pay. See them in Kill Bill vol. 1.

Finn pulled off the impossible: he quit life as a Stormtrooper. Unfortunately, life only got more complicated after that. See them in Star Wars Series.