Because you like Kim Possible in Kim Possible

A gruff and hardened professional, Marcus Fenix keeps his emotions buried deep. See them in Gears of War.

You don't teach a class called "How To Get Away With Murder" without knowing a thing or two about getting away with things. See them in How to Get Away with Murder.

Meet Homelander, the snake that lurks beneath the glossy veneer. See them in The Boys.

Freelance writer Diane is dating a dog and writing a memoir of a horse. See them in Bojack Horseman.

Cynicism is his armor and words are his weapons, but what Tyrion Lannister would really like is some nice wine. See them in Game of Thrones.

The poster child for relentless cheer and resilience, Kimmy Schmidt may be an abuse survivor but she's also a lover of dancing and karaoke, candy, and dolphins. See them in Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.

Stoic, cynical, and brilliant, Solid Snake was genetically engineered to be the perfect soldier. See them in Metal Gear Series.

Usually the life of the party, Laszlo is now seriously planning the vampiric takeover of the New World. Or at least Staten Island. See them in What We Do In The Shadows.

Whether he's performing "illusions" or running the family business, one thing is certain: Gob Bluth will screw it up. See them in Arrested Development.

Nandor is a relentless vampire who never admits he's wrong, loves glitter, and can't use a tablet. See them in What We Do In The Shadows.

Cosmo Kramer is an eccentric schemer whom you might know better as the "Assman." See them in Seinfeld.