

    Dallas Buyers Club
Photo Credit: Everett Collection

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Living... as an HIV-positive trans woman in a very hostile environment: 1980s Texas.

Profession... participant in a trial for AZT, an experimental drug designed to combat the effects of her disease. It’s there that she meets Ron Woodruff, an HIV-positive rodeo cowboy who’s planning on smuggling more effective drugs into the States from Mexico. In Rayon, Ron finds a business partner who can get him the clients he needs to make it a profitable venture.

Relationship Status... dating her quiet, loving, androgynous, blonde boyfriend Sunflower. She spends most of her time with Ron, though, and they develop a friendship despite a rocky start. He even puts his friend in a chokehold when he refuses to shake Rayon’s hand and calls her by a slur.

Challenge... making it through the day despite the toll AIDS is taking on her body, dealing with a debilitating addiction to cocaine, and fitting into a society that’s nowhere near tolerant toward the trans community. Life isn’t easy for Rayon, but she approaches each day with an incredibly admirable amount of confidence and bravery. None of that matters to Ron, though, when her addiction begins to get in the way of their business running smoothly.

Personality... friendly, outgoing, and brave. She’s entirely unafraid to spark up a conversation with the homophobic Ron when they’re both in the hospital, even after he asks her, with the help of a few choice expletives, to get away from him. But that strong exterior protects her from a world that makes her life difficult, and shields the world from seeing her deep sadness.


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