Because you like Rarity in My Little Pony

Thankfully, Jenna Hamilton has her sense of humor and friends to get her through the endless torture that is high school. See them in Awkward..

Mike Lane is magnetic, beefy, and street-smart, but how long can he keep up with the red-light scene? See them in Magic Mike.

Artemis Fowl understands the way of the world. If he wins, he's a prodigy. If he loses, then he's crazy. That is how history is written. See them in Artemis Fowl.

Maya Lambert is an obsessive intelligence officer with tunnel vision leading toward Osama bin Laden. See them in Zero Dark Thirty.

As an undercover cop, Schmidt is getting to relive high school as a cool kid. See them in 21 Jump Street.

It doesn't matter how noble or brave he is. Jon Snow is a bastard, and people don't let him forget it. See them in Game of Thrones.

When a half-breed breaks the rules, John Constantine deports them straight back to hell. He's trying to buy his way into heaven. See them in Constantine.

America Singer is a feisty, fiercely independent musician who places little value on the restrictive rules of her society. See them in The Selection .

Major Marquis Warren is a talkative, sharp-eyed, and cold-hearted Civil War soldier-turned-bounty hunter. See them in The Hateful Eight.

Vengeance is William Wallace’s game. With his father, brother, and wife killed by the English, he slaughters the garrison and sacks cities. See them in Braveheart.

Sylar's victims are found all over the country, many with their brains removed. See them in Heroes.