Because you like Daniel Cleaver in Bridget Jones's Diary

Michael Kelso gets by on his good looks and his openhearted nature. See them in That '70s Show.

Tom Haverford is set on being a world-renowned entrepreneur who dates models. Problem is, he's stuck in Indiana with a lazy business partner. See them in Parks and Recreation.

Michaelangelo is an above-ground crime-fighter by night, and a pizza-eating, sewer-dwelling mutant ninja turtle by day. See them in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Sideshow Bob is a bitter ex-performer who was forced to do inhumane stunts for slapstick comedy. Now he's exacting revenge on his former boss, a clown. See them in The Simpsons.

Boomerang is equally skilled at tossing boomerangs and tossing back beers. See them in DC Extended Universe.

Xander Harris' life motto: laugh in the face of danger and then hide until it goes away. See them in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Turanga Leela is the daughter of two mutants who live in the sewers below New York City. See them in Futurama.

From secret organizations to alien attacks, Kyon's life has been one weird, unexplainable thing happening after another. See them in The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

Relentlessly cheery Ned Flanders enjoys a nice piece of bread with water on the side for dipping See them in The Simpsons.

Marge Simpson is a mostly happy housewife and subscriber to Sponge and Vacuum Magazine. See them in The Simpsons.