Because you like Shaun in Shaun of the Dead

Sterling Archer is a fun-loving, car-driving spy extraordinaire. But one can tell his mother didn't hug him as a child. See them in Archer.

Jin Kazama is a fearsome warrior torn between the darkness and the light. See them in Tekken .

A reformed former outlaw, John Marston doesn't want any trouble, yet somehow trouble always seems to find him. See them in Red Dead Redemption.

Maya Lambert is an obsessive intelligence officer with tunnel vision leading toward Osama bin Laden. See them in Zero Dark Thirty.

Lloyd Dobler is a kickboxer wearing his heart on his sleeve who would do anything for the woman he loves. See them in Say Anything.

Marty McFly is a skateboarder, aspiring rock star, and reluctant time-traveler. See them in Back to the Future.

Although Jareth seems like he's just a harmless romantic, his powers make him a formidable foe. See them in Labyrinth.

A powerful mob boss, Vito Corleone is always making offers people can't refuse. See them in The Godfather.

Ratchet is a shoot-first, ask-questions-later, and then-shoot-again kind of lombax. See them in Ratchet & Clank.

He may be one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, but War still maintains a strong sense of honor. See them in Darksiders Series.