John Marston

John Marston

    Red Dead Redemption

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew up... in Dutch’s gang. John Marston was born in 1873 to a Scottish immigrant and a prostitute who both died while he was still young. So he became a part of Dutch van der Linde’s notorious gang, where he learned how to fight and survive in the wild. 

Living... in Beecher’s Hope. John owns this Great Plains region in the West Elizabeth territory where he now lives with his wife, son, daughter, dog, and alcoholic acquaintance “Uncle.” From here, John can travel by horseback across territories completing missions for the government.  

Profession... rancher. After abandoning his old outlaw identity, John became an honest rancher, father, and provider. He didn’t want any trouble, but inevitably trouble would find him. 

Interests… marksmanship. John prides himself on his shooting skills. Even as a rancher, he can gun down an impressive amount of people before they even have a chance to react.

Relationship Status... married. While still part of Dutch’s gang, John met and fell in love with their frequent prostitute, Abigail. Together, they left their previous lives behind to start a more respectable home to raise their children in. 

Challenge... seeking redemption. John wants to leave his criminal past behind and care for his family. That is why, in order to save his kidnapped wife and children from the government, he agrees to help Edgar Ross and his modern lawmen take down the rest of Dutch’s old gang. But he knows it won’t be that simple. As he says, “People don’t forget. Nothing gets forgiven.”    

Personality... strong, determined, and resourceful. John does whatever he can to survive and to make sure his family survives too. He has the vicious skills to make that happen. However, he also knows that both he and his Old West ways are aging and will soon come to an end. 


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