

    Darksiders Series

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew up... a Nephilim. War and his siblings are part of an ancient, endangered race of Angel/Demon hybrids. They were created by the demon Lilith and are all derived from Absalom, the first of their kind.

Living... in debt. War lives to serve the Charred Council, intermediaries between Heaven and Hell that can destroy him should he disobey.

Visiting... post-apocalyptic Earth. To his surprise, War finds himself on Earth where years of fighting between the forces of Heaven and Hell have decimated the unprepared Kingdom of Man.

Profession... Horseman of the Apocalypse. War and his siblings Death, Fury, and Strife were created to help maintain balance between Heaven and Hell before the final battle can occur at the proper time. This means fighting angels, demons, and even wiping out their own kind in the Garden of Eden.

Interests… fighting. War’s purpose is to spread cleansing violence and bloodshed, and his quick temper means he’ll even fight grossly outmatched human armies. When he rides in on his flaming horse Ruin, no one is safe.  

Relationship Status... single, but part of a family. All War has in the world are his siblings, and although they may argue as siblings often do, they are very close. They understand that their unity is crucial to making sure the world ends the way it’s supposed to. War also has respect for Uriel, an angel and leader of the Hellguard resistance group.

Challenge... proving his innocence. When the Apocalypse mysteriously begins early, the Charred Council blames War for starting the chaos. To prove his innocence, and save his life, he must discover the truth while fighting the armies of Heaven and Hell on what remains of Earth. His older brother Death, especially, aids him in this quest.      

Personality... honorable. Although he can get very angry and wrathful, War is arguably the most loyal and dutiful of the Four Horsemen.  He even shows his enemies respect, saying, “You can look me in the eye when I kill you.”


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