Because you like Mr. Blonde in Reservoir Dogs

Society may reject Felicia, but this bubbly catwoman just wants to spread happiness to others. See them in Darkstalkers .

A gruff and hardened professional, Marcus Fenix keeps his emotions buried deep. See them in Gears of War.

Big Boss is a disillusioned mercenary commander who wants to create a world for soldiers (and soldiers alone). See them in Metal Gear Series.

Dante Alighieri is a crusader fighting his way to absolution. See them in Dante's Inferno.

Harry Mason has been told that he worries too much, that he's a little paranoid. But he just wants to protect what he loves. See them in Silent Hill.

Hayley Stark is a sarcastic 14-year-old with an unusual passion. See them in Hard Candy.

Jack Bauer is a terrorist fighter who is scared of nothing and no one. The clock is ticking! See them in 24.

Mr. Robot always seems to know what to do when others are lost. But can he be trusted? See them in Mr. Robot.

Although she's only six, Hushpuppy is a tough girl ready to stand up to terrifying, pre-historic beasts after the storm. See them in Beasts of the Southern Wild.

The black sheep of his family, Rhett Butler grew up to have charm and to see things as they are. He just doesn't give a damn anymore. See them in Gone with the Wind.

If anyone can stay optimistic and friendly under harsh alien rule, it's Alyx Vance. See them in Half-Life 2.

Shaun is used to being lazy. And now, you're asking him to fight for his life? See them in Shaun of the Dead.