Because you like Kazuma Kiryu in Yakuza

Red doesn't like to explain herself. She wants her work to do the talking. See them in Transistor.

Harry Mason has been told that he worries too much, that he's a little paranoid. But he just wants to protect what he loves. See them in Silent Hill.

A hardboiled 1940s detective, Cole Phelps is haunted by his past in World War II. See them in L.A. Noire.

It turns out Dracula's son Alucard has some pretty severe daddy issues. See them in Castlevania.

M. Bison is a diabolical megalomaniac hell-bent on dominating the world. See them in Street Fighter.

Kind and friendly, Rinoa Heartilly is nonetheless an effective freedom fighter. See them in Final Fantasy Series.

They say they saved Adam Jensen by turning him into a cyborg, but he's not sure saved is the right word. See them in Deus Ex Series.

A bureaucrat in the Land of the Dead, Manuel Calavera is a jaded, sarcastic loner who just might have a hidden heroic side. See them in Grim Fandango.

The only thing Albert Wesker cares about is turning himself into a God. See them in Resident Evil Series.

Fox McCloud leads a team of pilots through the Lylat System in search of the evil genius Andross, the villain that killed his father. See them in Star Fox.