Because you like Bigby Wolf in The Wolf Among Us

A gruff and hardened professional, Marcus Fenix keeps his emotions buried deep. See them in Gears of War.

Dr. Gordon Freeman is a brilliant physicist is a quiet hero. And given all the violent aliens, he better be. See them in Half-Life.

Harry Mason has been told that he worries too much, that he's a little paranoid. But he just wants to protect what he loves. See them in Silent Hill.

The only thing Albert Wesker cares about is turning himself into a God. See them in Resident Evil Series.

Ellie is more world-weary than most 14-year-olds. You would be too if your world was infested with zombies. See them in The Last of Us.

As a monster-hunter cursed with supernatural abilities, Geralt of Rivia is a cynic burdened by scruples in an unscrupulous world. See them in The Witcher.

He might look like a pretty boy, but resourceful Leon Scott Kennedy is the man to have at your side during a crisis. See them in Resident Evil Series.

Simon Belmont is a vampire hunter bravely carrying on the family business. See them in Castlevania.

A powerful dragon-hunting warrior, Dovahkiin is destined for great things. See them in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

Stoic, cynical, and brilliant, Solid Snake was genetically engineered to be the perfect soldier. See them in Metal Gear Series.

Meat Boy tenaciously throws himself into danger, and when he fails, he immediately gets back up and tries again. See them in Super Meat Boy.