Because you like Master Chief (John-117) in Halo

There are men who embrace destiny and do not show their fear. These are the ones that change the world forever. See them in Dragon Age Series.

A bureaucrat in the Land of the Dead, Manuel Calavera is a jaded, sarcastic loner who just might have a hidden heroic side. See them in Grim Fandango.

Told her son will one day save the world, Sarah Connor dedicates her life to training him to do just that. See them in The Terminator.

A ruthless militant, Raza will do anything to take down Tony Stark. See them in Marvel Cinematic Universe.

His superiority complex coupled with his bitter desire for revenge makes Vegeta a formidable foe. See them in Dragon Ball Z.

Father to a murdered son and husband to a murdered wife, Maximus Decimus Meridius will have his vengeance. See them in Gladiator.

Always headed towards adventure, Goku is frequently with a band of loyal companions at his side. See them in Dragon Ball.

Even with the world on the line, Bayonetta is an Umbra Witch who maintains a biting sense of humor. See them in Bayonetta.

A good-natured and academically minded superhero, Dan Dreiberg can still get his hands dirty in a fight. See them in Watchmen.

World domination and Superman's demise are next on Lex Luthor's to-do list. See them in DC Extended Universe.