Because you like Kratos in God of War

Ratchet is a shoot-first, ask-questions-later, and then-shoot-again kind of lombax. See them in Ratchet & Clank.

All it takes to change the course of history is the will of a single man called John Price. See them in Call of Duty Series.

Stoic, cynical, and brilliant, Solid Snake was genetically engineered to be the perfect soldier. See them in Metal Gear Series.

Simon Belmont is a vampire hunter bravely carrying on the family business. See them in Castlevania.

It's hard enough fighting a war. But it's worse for Commander Shepard, knowing no matter how hard you try, you can't save them all. See them in Mass Effect.

There's no obstacle too great for this charismatic treasure-hunter. See them in Uncharted.

Crono may not talk, but this time-traveling hero's heart speaks volumes. See them in Chrono Trigger.

Fox McCloud leads a team of pilots through the Lylat System in search of the evil genius Andross, the villain that killed his father. See them in Star Fox.

If anyone can stay optimistic and friendly under harsh alien rule, it's Alyx Vance. See them in Half-Life 2.

Leonidas is not the kind of king who merely gives orders; rather, he's out on the battlefield fighting alongside his men. See them in 300.

Resourceful and courageous, Chun-Li is dedicated to using her considerable strengths against evil. See them in Street Fighter.