Because you like Black Star in Soul Eater

Eren Jaeger will erase the Titans from this world until not a single one remains. See them in Attack on Titan.

Duck, girl, and legend: Ahiru's identities confuse even herself at times, and she often wonders which of them is truly her. See them in Princess Tutu.

The only defense Earth has against alien invaders are giant robots in the hands of pilots like Kaworu. See them in Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Misato Katsuragi is never without a beer in her hand or her pet penguin by her side. See them in Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Shana is a red-haired warrior with a black-and-white worldview. See them in Shakugan no Shana.

Yukiteru is a reclusive observer who would rather watch life go by than participate in it. See them in The Future Diary.

When dealing with a half-demon partner and a world of violence, Kagome Higurashi has plenty of chances for her true courage to shine. See them in Inuyasha.

An opportunistic fugitive-turned-bounty-hunter, Faye Valentine uses both grit and her good looks to get ahead. See them in Cowboy Bebop.

Ichigo Momomiya is a bubbly student by day, magical cat-powered superhero by night. See them in Tokyo Mew Mew.

Though bold and pure of heart, Utena Tenjou has a fairytale vision of the world that can make her oblivious to its darkness. See them in Revolutionary Girl Utena.

When you live your life in public, like Mima Kirigoe, it's hard to know who you really are. See them in Perfect Blue.

An agile and powerful swordswoman, Saber is a dignified warrior down to her bones. See them in Fate/Stay Night.