Because you like Trinity in The Matrix

Indiana Jones is a swashbuckling archeologist who hates snakes, Nazis, and priceless artifacts falling into the wrong hands. See them in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

If there's any hope of resolving things peacefully, this proud ape leader will have to trust the humans. See them in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.

When a half-breed breaks the rules, John Constantine deports them straight back to hell. He's trying to buy his way into heaven. See them in Constantine.

Stuck somewhere between life and death, Talion is motivated by one thing only: vengeance. See them in Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor.

We defy you to find a man who's ever been cooler while simply saying his own name. See them in Casino Royale.

Kind and friendly, Rinoa Heartilly is nonetheless an effective freedom fighter. See them in Final Fantasy Series.

Riggan Thomson is a washed-up movie star running from his inner demons. Alas those inner demons look just like the superhero he used to play. See them in Birdman.

An underdog with nothing left to lose, Donnie Creed has everything to prove. See them in Creed.

James Gordon happens to be the one guy in Gotham City with proper morals who doesn't also run around in a cape. See them in DC Extended Universe.

Francis Freeman may be impervious to pain, but he sure knows how to inflict it. See them in Deadpool.

After being resurrected and discovering his new morphing abilities, Alex Mercer uses them to combat the virus now ravaging New York. See them in Prototype Series.