Because you like Dom Cobb in Inception

Ron Burgundy is a news anchor who signs off with "Stay classy, San Diego" or whatever his teleprompter says. Bonus: he plays the jazz flute. See them in Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy.

Gruff and efficient, Sam Fisher protects a nation that can never admit he exists. See them in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell.

We defy you to find a man who's ever been cooler while simply saying his own name. See them in Casino Royale.

Community-driven but practical, Calvin Palmer is a natural leader even if he doesn't always see it. See them in Barbershop.

More of a sex symbol than a crime-stopper, the original Silk Spectre has now become the ultimate superhero stage mom. See them in Watchmen.

Steve Stifler is more than just a dude with a hot mom. He's also rude, profane, and obnoxious. See them in American Pie.

Alien insists on taking the party with him wherever he goes. And if you're lucky, you'll get to see his gun collection. See them in Spring Breakers.

If there's any hope of resolving things peacefully, this proud ape leader will have to trust the humans. See them in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.

Lloyd Dobler is a kickboxer wearing his heart on his sleeve who would do anything for the woman he loves. See them in Say Anything.

Shaun is used to being lazy. And now, you're asking him to fight for his life? See them in Shaun of the Dead.

Erlich Bachman is an overconfident wannabe mentor blowing all types of smoke around the tech industry. See them in Silicon Valley.