Because you like Jacob Palmer in Crazy, Stupid Love

GLaDOS will supply the food when you get together: a delicious cake. Of course, it could just be a trap so she can kill you. It’s hard to say. See them in Portal Series.

Phoenix Wright is an easygoing defense attorney who is rarely defensive. See them in Ace Attorney Series .

The main priority for Nagisa Hazuki is making sure that everyone has fun. See them in Free! Iwatobi Swim Club.

The only defense Earth has against alien invaders are giant robots in the hands of pilots like Kaworu. See them in Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Eren Jaeger will erase the Titans from this world until not a single one remains. See them in Attack on Titan.

Convinced that the world is conspiring against him, Tatsuhiro's reconciled himself to his fate as a shut-in. See them in Welcome to the NHK.

Reclusive, quiet, and seemingly emotionless, Lain Iwakura feels like an outsider in her hyper-connected world. See them in Serial Experiments Lain.