Because you like Beast in Beauty and the Beast

Chuckie Finster is a baby afraid of everything from clowns to closets, unless his best friend's by his side. See them in Rugrats.

A cruel pirate, Captain Hook still fancies himself a gentleman. See them in Peter Pan.

A meek schoolteacher, Mary Margaret Blanchard can't remember her past as a spirited, swashbuckling Snow White. See them in Once Upon a Time.

Neal Cassidy is a charming former thief with a heroic side. See them in Once Upon a Time.

A poised, stately man-out-of-time, Ichabod Crane typically faces the modern world with wry quip. See them in Sleepy Hollow.

Howard Wolowitz is an engineer whose serious mommy issues somehow haven't dimmed his confidence. See them in The Big Bang Theory.

Rogue's touch is literally deadly, and she's trying to learn from the older mutants how to manager her powers. See them in X-Men Series.