Because you like Charlie in Marriage Story

Yugi Moto is a gentle soul whose determination and talent make him a formidable opponent. See them in Yu-Gi-Oh! .

Skye is a pluck hacktivist who tries to use her power for good. Unfortunately, " good" isn't always so clear-cut. See them in Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Reclusive, quiet, and seemingly emotionless, Lain Iwakura feels like an outsider in her hyper-connected world. See them in Serial Experiments Lain.

A nurturing, selfless, and level-headed leader, Makoto Tachibana loves looking out for his friends. See them in Free! Iwatobi Swim Club.

Other people's opinions have never mattered much to Haruka Nanase, and they aren't going to start to do so now. See them in Free! Iwatobi Swim Club.

Part of an elite team of investigators, Abby Sciuto is the happiest Goth to ever work in law enforcement. See them in NCIS.