Because you like Elena Gilbert in The Vampire Diaries

A resourceful ship systems engineer, Isaac Clarke does his best to batttle the infection spreading across space. See them in Dead Space.

A suave proprietor of an upscale nightclub and gambling den, Rick Blaine is dealing with World War II and a broken heart. See them in Casablanca.

Major Marquis Warren is a talkative, sharp-eyed, and cold-hearted Civil War soldier-turned-bounty hunter. See them in The Hateful Eight.

Fox McCloud leads a team of pilots through the Lylat System in search of the evil genius Andross, the villain that killed his father. See them in Star Fox.

Hans Landa doesn't seem to have issues with Jews, but he hunts them because he's determined to do his job well. See them in Inglourious Basterds.

Konata Izumi has a live-now, worry-later view of the world. See them in Lucky Star.

Nozomu's name translates to despair, which is fitting for him. See them in Sayonara, Zetsubo Sensei.

Because of Miles Edgeworth, the truth will always make itself known. See them in Ace Attorney Series .

When it comes to Haruko Haruhara, there's more to the pink-haired biker than meets the eye. See them in FLCL.

Vash might act like a carefree, peace-loving goof, but it's not wise to underestimate this "Humanoid Typhoon." See them in Trigun.

Dr. Gordon Freeman is a brilliant physicist is a quiet hero. And given all the violent aliens, he better be. See them in Half-Life.

Stoic, cynical, and brilliant, Solid Snake was genetically engineered to be the perfect soldier. See them in Metal Gear Series.