Because you like Nausicaa in Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind

Growing up isn't easy: Chihiro's parents turned into pigs, she's enslaved at a bathhouse for demons, and oh yeah, she's fading from existence. See them in Spirited Away.

Underneath Fakir's sarcastic exterior is a loyal friend. But his loyalty borders on being possessive of his friends. See them in Princess Tutu.

China has five thousand years of history, and he's optimistic he'll win over the Allied Powers to the wisdom of his ways. See them in Axis Powers Hetalia.

Vash might act like a carefree, peace-loving goof, but it's not wise to underestimate this "Humanoid Typhoon." See them in Trigun.

Suzaku Kururugi defeats enemies with his flashy but deadly jump kicks. But he's willing to sacrifice himself for peace. See them in Code Geass.

An alien, a time-traveler, and an esper are following Haruhi Suzumiya, who – unknown to herself – is a near-omnipotent reality warper. See them in The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

Impassive, overly literal, and a little short on people skills, Angel dedicates her life to enforcing the rules. See them in Angel Beats!.

For Celty Sturluson, it's rather upsetting to be the only headless girl in a city filled with full-bodied humans. See them in Durarara!!.

Howl puts the "tortured" in tortured artist. He just wants to be recognized for his work, but no one wants to trust a boy that sorta looks like a bird. See them in Howl's Moving Castle.

An arrogant, prideful human-demon hybrid, Inuyasha secretly just wants to be accepted. See them in Inuyasha.

Simon Belmont is a vampire hunter bravely carrying on the family business. See them in Castlevania.