Because you like Satine in Moulin Rouge

Bridget Jones is a wanton sex goddess, struggling 30-something, and semi-hot mess. See them in Bridget Jones's Diary.

Holly Golightly spends so much time trying to be other people's dream girl, she doesn't really know what kind of girl she actually is. See them in Breakfast at Tiffany's.

Lyra Belacqua is prone to getting in trouble, but she's also clever enough to get out of it. Most of the time. See them in The Golden Compass.

While Fantine's gentleness has led others to take advantage of her, it ultimately forces her to become stronger. See them in Les Miserables.

She's a survivor of gunshots, of being buried alive, nand of paralysis. And now Beatrix Kiddo is going to make her abusers pay. See them in Kill Bill vol. 1.

Born into luxury, Sybil Crawley wants to find real purpose and meaning in her privileged life. See them in Downton Abbey.

A secret smoker, Margot Tenenbaum has plenty more secrets where that came from. See them in The Royal Tenenbaums.

A fun-loving gangster's wife, Mia Wallace is finding that fun can go too far. See them in Pulp Fiction.

Quiet and brooding, Ennis Del Mar keeps his true passions close to the chest. See them in Brokeback Mountain.

Major Marquis Warren is a talkative, sharp-eyed, and cold-hearted Civil War soldier-turned-bounty hunter. See them in The Hateful Eight.

Sarah Ashburn lives life by the book and has trouble getting along with anyone who doesn't do the same. See them in The Heat.