Because you like Apollo Justice in Ace Attorney Series

Spyro the Dragon loves getting into trouble around the Dragon Realms. See them in Spyro the Dragon.

There are rumors that the Spirit was an Egyptian Pharaoh in his past, but without any memories, he doesn't know how true they are. See them in Yu-Gi-Oh! .

Johannes Betzler is an overwhelmed little boy caught up in deeply confusing times. See them in Jojo Rabbit.

GLaDOS will supply the food when you get together: a delicious cake. Of course, it could just be a trap so she can kill you. It’s hard to say. See them in Portal Series.

Prideful and psychotic tendencies combine to make Dr. Eggman a dangerous and villain who will squash anyone in his path. See them in Sonic the Hedgehog.

Victor Frankenstein can create life, so he's pretty awesome if he says so himself. See them in Frankenstein.

For Celty Sturluson, it's rather upsetting to be the only headless girl in a city filled with full-bodied humans. See them in Durarara!!.

Jade Jade Harley might not be the best at reading social cues, but her bravery and selflessness means she's a great friend to have. See them in Homestuck.

When the safety of Hyrule is at stake, Princess Zelda does not hesitate to sacrifice herself for the good of the land. See them in The Legend of Zelda.

For Lee Everett, every day is now just another struggle to collect supplies, find other survivors, and stay alive. See them in The Walking Dead (Video Game).

Konata Izumi has a live-now, worry-later view of the world. See them in Lucky Star.

If it means fulfilling her ambitions, Satsuki Kiryuin will show neither shame nor hesitation. See them in Kill la Kill.