Because you like Dwayne Hoover in Little Miss Sunshine

Joey Tribbiani's true passions in life are acting, sandwiches, football, sex, and asking ladies, "how you doing?" See them in Friends.

Albus Dumbledore oversees the most unsafe school in recorded history, with Dementors and giant arachnids run amok. See them in Harry Potter Series.

A natural leader, Clarke Griffin dispenses both justice and mercy, and she does it all while being selflessly humble. See them in The 100.

A speed-loving daredevil who lives on the edge, Sonic is as brave as he is cocky. See them in Sonic the Hedgehog.

A benevolent madman with a blue box, The Doctor is traveling through time and space to heal the wounds of the universe. See them in Doctor Who.

It doesn't matter how noble or brave he is. Jon Snow is a bastard, and people don't let him forget it. See them in Game of Thrones.

Steve Rogers is a good soldier. But above all, he's a good man. See them in Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Hawkeye is most comfortable perched above the action, keeping an eye on everything and using a well-timed arrow to save the day. See them in Marvel Cinematic Universe.

A weather-controlling mutant, Storm doesn't just use her powers to ruin Magneto's day with unexpected showers. She is truly a badass. See them in X-Men Series.

Raised to happily follow the rules, Cassia might actually be more rebellious than she thinks she is. See them in Matched .

Belle has ready every storybook in town, and she's slowly realizing that life is no fairytale. See them in Beauty and the Beast.

Mario is a plumber who wears a ridiculous outfit, eats weird looking mushrooms, and fits himself inside your pipes so he can save a princess. See them in Super Mario Bros..