Because you like Dwayne Hoover in Little Miss Sunshine

Socialite-turned-runaway-turned-waitress, Rachel Green is the legendary story of riches to rags, trying to work her way up again with the help of her friends. See them in Friends.

Damon Salvatore used to miss being human. Now he can't think of anything more miserable. See them in The Vampire Diaries.

A nurturing, selfless, and level-headed leader, Makoto Tachibana loves looking out for his friends. See them in Free! Iwatobi Swim Club.

Cooper says he used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars, but now he looks down and worry about our place in the dirt. See them in Interstellar.

Abandoned by her parents, Rey made her living selling scrap metal and got used to being her own friend and teacher. See them in Star Wars Series.

We defy you to find a man who's ever been cooler while simply saying his own name. See them in Casino Royale.

Regina Mills is a cold evil queen turned chilly town mayor. See them in Once Upon a Time.

Artemis Fowl understands the way of the world. If he wins, he's a prodigy. If he loses, then he's crazy. That is how history is written. See them in Artemis Fowl.

Although Penny's friends have genius-level IQs, they regularly come to her for advice and insight. See them in The Big Bang Theory.

A vain and arrogant womanizer, Roy Mustang has hidden depths. See them in Fullmetal Alchemist.

Penelope Garcia is the smartest ex-con turned FBI tech, but her fashion never fails to raise eyebrows. See them in Criminal Minds.