Because you like Veronica Mars in Veronica Mars

Rachel Goldberg is a drama-causing reality TV producer with the power to ruin people's lives at the click of a button. See them in UnREAL.

Sydney Bristow is a kick-ass double agent on a mission for revenge. See them in Alias.

Anya Jenkins has a real harsh bark to go with her demonic bite. See them in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

With an incredible ability to fake a smile, Selina Meyer is a gifted politician serving as Vice President. And maybe one day the President will actually call her. See them in Veep.

Much more than just "Coach Taylor's wife," Tami Taylor is making herself known in town as a caring, persistent guidance counselor. See them in Friday Night Lights (TV).

Calling Alicia Florrick a "good wife" is damning this smart, capable, thoughtful woman with too-faint praise. See them in The Good Wife.

Kara "Starbuck" Thrace will beat you in cards, drink you under the table, then fly circles around you in her fighter plane. See them in Battlestar Galactica.

Faith has a chip on her shoulder and a stake in her hand to slay vampires in her town. See them in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Amber Holt is perpetually caught between forging her own path and stumbling around in the dark. See them in Parenthood.

A Washington DC fixer, Olivia Pope can make roadblocks disappear with a single phone call. "It's handled" is her life motto. See them in Scandal.

It's impossible to say whether Winifred Burkle is cuter than she is smart, or vice versa. See them in Angel.