Because you like Cece Parekh in New Girl
Though bold and pure of heart, Utena Tenjou has a fairytale vision of the world that can make her oblivious to its darkness. See them in Revolutionary Girl Utena.
If there's any hope of resolving things peacefully, this proud ape leader will have to trust the humans. See them in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.
An All-American football player, a ping pong star, and a freakishly determined runner, Forrest Gump has a ton of stories to tell. See them in Forrest Gump.
Finn is the world's last human who's "all about" understanding right and wrong. See them in Adventure Time.
Edward Elric has a quick mind along with a quick temper. See them in Fullmetal Alchemist.
Ron Burgundy is a news anchor who signs off with "Stay classy, San Diego" or whatever his teleprompter says. Bonus: he plays the jazz flute. See them in Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy.
An underdog with nothing left to lose, Donnie Creed has everything to prove. See them in Creed.
L is enigmatic, child-like, and one of the smartest people in the world. See them in Death Note.
Not only could Hellboy avenge your death, he'd also have a sense of humor about it and not let it ruin the rest of his night. See them in Hellboy.
To cope with injustice, Connor finds meaning in his strict and unbreakable code of honor. See them in Assassin's Creed Series.
Mike Lane is magnetic, beefy, and street-smart, but how long can he keep up with the red-light scene? See them in Magic Mike.
Winry Rockbell is an energetic tomboy mechanic with an empathetic streak. See them in Fullmetal Alchemist.