Because you like Martha Jones in Doctor Who

Irene Adler has to use both her brains and her body to survive. Luckily, she's usually the most brilliant person in the room. See them in Sherlock.

Beloved by all, Lucy is the most corageous Pevensie. See them in The Chronicles of Narnia.

Sam Montgomery works hard, but her evil stepmother makes sure her efforts don't pay off. See them in A Cinderella Story.

Cinderella will sacrifice herself to keep her family's memory alive. See them in Cinderella (Live Action).

Self-described as half-Slytherin, half-Ravenclaw, Molly Davidson has a big, demanding personality that doesn’t always leave space for other people’s emotions. See them in Booksmart.

Cyclops shoots lasers out of his eyes, destroying anything in his line of sight. See them in X-Men Series.

Milo Thatch is an enthusiastic researcher without cynicism. See them in Atlantis: The Lost Empire.

Merlin is half awkward teenager, half super-powerful wizard. He serves Prince Arthur of Camelot during the day and illegally learns magic at night. See them in Merlin.

Cosette is an idealistic woman whose innocence stands in contrast to her harsh childhood. See them in Les Miserables.

If anyone can speak truth to power, it's Atticus Finch. With elequent monologues, he forces everyone to face hard truths. See them in To Kill a Mockingbird.

Carolos has perfect hair, a lab coat, and a constant readiness to do science. See them in Welcome to Night Vale.