Because you like Utena Tenjou in Revolutionary Girl Utena

With his perfectly combed hair and flashy military outfits, France can charm the pants off of anyone—well except his fellow nations, it seems. See them in Axis Powers Hetalia.

The last war left his economy devastated, and now Germany is engaged in another war and stuck with two barely trained allies for help. See them in Axis Powers Hetalia.

With most of the people that Sango loved now gone, the only thing she wants is to kill the demon who destroyed her village. See them in Inuyasha.

Despite the dissolution of his state, Prussia hangs on – mooching off his younger brother Germany and reading comics. See them in Axis Powers Hetalia.

Shana is a red-haired warrior with a black-and-white worldview. See them in Shakugan no Shana.

Vash might act like a carefree, peace-loving goof, but it's not wise to underestimate this "Humanoid Typhoon." See them in Trigun.

Ichigo Momomiya is a bubbly student by day, magical cat-powered superhero by night. See them in Tokyo Mew Mew.

Red doesn't like to explain herself. She wants her work to do the talking. See them in Transistor.

Suzaku Kururugi defeats enemies with his flashy but deadly jump kicks. But he's willing to sacrifice himself for peace. See them in Code Geass.

Undercover as an average high school student, Kallen Stadtfeld is actually most at ease when the action's fast, furious, and dangerous. See them in Code Geass.

Konata Izumi has a live-now, worry-later view of the world. See them in Lucky Star.

Yuri is living in the afterlife, which takes the form of a high school where no one dies. But if you follow the school's rules and live a "normal" life you vanish. See them in Angel Beats!.