Because you like Catherine Morland in Northanger Abbey

Bedside manner is for chumps, not the brilliant Dr. Gregory House. See them in House M.D..

It doesn't matter how noble or brave he is. Jon Snow is a bastard, and people don't let him forget it. See them in Game of Thrones.

A wildly brilliant detective, Sherlock Holmes can figure out everything except how to interact with other human beings. See them in Sherlock.

Billionaire playboy by day and vigilante archer by night, Oliver Queen aims to rid Starling City of crime and atone for his past mistakes. See them in DC Extended Universe.

Brilliant, violent, and only a little insane, the Joker doesn't listen to anyone except the voices in his head. See them in DC Extended Universe.

Regina Mills is a cold evil queen turned chilly town mayor. See them in Once Upon a Time.

A benevolent madman with a blue box, The Doctor is traveling through time and space to heal the wounds of the universe. See them in Doctor Who.

The adventurous daughter of Port Royal's governor, Elizabeth Swann would rather conspire with pirates than sit pretty in her corset. See them in Pirates of the Caribbean: the Curse of the Black Pearl.

Smart, sarcastic, and loyal, Stiles Stilinski doesn't just want to be the sidekick in someone else's life. See them in Teen Wolf.

Not only will attorney Matt Murdock get you off the hook, but his alter ego Daredevil might also swing by later and rough up whoever put you there. See them in Marvel Cinematic Universe.

An escaped convict on a mission, Sirius Black is brooding, brave, and reckless. See them in Harry Potter Series.

Aang is already a master airbender and once he learns to manipulate water, earth, and fire, he'll be truly unbeatable. See them in Avatar: The Last Airbender.