Character Analysis
(Avoiding Spoilers)
Grew Up… in an ordinary family in early 19th century England. Catherine Morland is one of 10 Morland children of a countryside clergyman. As a girl, she indulged her tomboyish side, spending most of her time in the nearby fields to play cricket and baseball.
Living… in the delightful town of Bath. The Morlands’ friends, Mr. and Mrs. Allen, want to introduce the blossoming young Catherine to society. After receiving her parents’ consent, she packs her bags and takes off for the “season.” Balls, dinners, plays, and countless other adventures await.
Interests… reading. Catherine loves Gothic novels and spends most of her time delving into gritty tales of romance, danger, and adventure. Her parents believe that it is a rather endearing hobby. After all, they reason, “what could be a more innocent or harmless pastime for a young girl than reading?”
Relationship status... single, but not for long. Catherine’s fresh looks earn her plenty of attention from the eligible bachelors of Bath. She’s particularly interested in Henry Tilney, a gallant young clergyman.
Challenge… transitioning into society. Catherine isn’t used to the hustle and bustle of Bath. Luckily, there are plenty of people who are willing to offer her a helping hand: the Allens, the Tilneys, the Thorpes... Unfortunately, not all of them do so with good intentions.
Personality... imaginative, spirited, and passionate. Catherine longs to become the star of her own adventure. For now, she is “in training for a heroine,” daydreaming and reading to prepare for an exhilarating future. Now her task is to seize that future for herself.