Because you like Dorian Gray in Dorian Gray

A weather-controlling mutant, Storm doesn't just use her powers to ruin Magneto's day with unexpected showers. She is truly a badass. See them in X-Men Series.

Ursula will oh-so-generously grant your wishes for a price. See them in The Little Mermaid.

David Nolan is a noble fairy tale prince with the heart of a hero, regardless of whether he can remember his past or not. See them in Once Upon a Time.

As a monster-hunter cursed with supernatural abilities, Geralt of Rivia is a cynic burdened by scruples in an unscrupulous world. See them in The Witcher.

Though bold and pure of heart, Utena Tenjou has a fairytale vision of the world that can make her oblivious to its darkness. See them in Revolutionary Girl Utena.

Aslan represents everything good and just, he's just not super reliable. See them in The Chronicles of Narnia.

A fun-loving gangster's wife, Mia Wallace is finding that fun can go too far. See them in Pulp Fiction.

A no-nonsense hitman with a taste for good burgers and divine justice, Jules Winnfield will go to great lengths to please his boss. See them in Pulp Fiction.

Larger than life and wealthy beyond measure, Willy Wonka is more than a titan in the sweets industry; he is an arbiter of taste. See them in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Hayley Stark is a sarcastic 14-year-old with an unusual passion. See them in Hard Candy.

Cyclops shoots lasers out of his eyes, destroying anything in his line of sight. See them in X-Men Series.

Nina Sayer finally landed the role of prima ballerina, but as tension ramps up in rehearsal, she starts losing her mind. See them in Black Swan.