Because you like Sora in Kingdom Hearts

Effy Stonem is cool and collected with a wry smile on her face and a cigarette between her lips. See them in Skins.

Will Herondale is an emotionally distant bad boy with a secret. See them in Clockwork Angel .

It's easy for Brian O'Conner to fake his way into the world of extreme racing because he's been popping cars since his teenage years. See them in The Fast and the Furious.

Emily Fields has been very guarded, careful of whom she trusts and reveals her secrets to. See them in Pretty Little Liars.

Motivated by a strong sense of curiosity, fleet-footed Lina Mayfleet is happiest when she's on the move. See them in The City of Ember.

Fun and feisty on the outside, Meredith Grey is dark and twisty on the inside. See them in Grey's Anatomy.

Anna Karenina doesn't want to be a respectable woman any more. She thinks respect was invented to cover the empty place where love should be. See them in Anna Karenina.

You don't teach a class called "How To Get Away With Murder" without knowing a thing or two about getting away with things. See them in How to Get Away with Murder.

A secret smoker, Margot Tenenbaum has plenty more secrets where that came from. See them in The Royal Tenenbaums.

Despite the undeniably awful turn her life has taken, Rachel handles herself with remarkable grace. See them in Me and Earl and the Dying Girl .

Smart, sarcastic, and loyal, Stiles Stilinski doesn't just want to be the sidekick in someone else's life. See them in Teen Wolf.

Casey Gardner is an angsty teenage girl with quite a bit of sass that keeps getting her in trouble. See them in Atypical.