Because you like Tate Langdon in American Horror Story

Homer Simpson is a beer-loving disaster in charge of nuclear safety in Springfield. Everybody run! See them in The Simpsons.

A caring, curious, and considerate android, Vision could crush your skull if he had to. But he'd rather not. See them in Marvel Cinematic Universe.

An exuberant prankster, Naruto Uzumaki craves acknowledgement of any kind. See them in Naruto.

Unaware of the fact that he's a toy and made of plastic, Buzz Lightyear is a spaceman on a mission fully of snappy catch phrases. See them in Toy Story.

Steven Universe is an excitable youth who likes junk food and trying to save the world. See them in Steven Universe.

Edward Elric has a quick mind along with a quick temper. See them in Fullmetal Alchemist.

Pepper Potts can run a company, manage an egomaniac, and take down bad guys, all without breaking a sweat. See them in Marvel Cinematic Universe.

An All-American football player, a ping pong star, and a freakishly determined runner, Forrest Gump has a ton of stories to tell. See them in Forrest Gump.

Hawkeye is most comfortable perched above the action, keeping an eye on everything and using a well-timed arrow to save the day. See them in Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Part of an elite team of investigators, Abby Sciuto is the happiest Goth to ever work in law enforcement. See them in NCIS.

A benevolent madman with a blue box, The Doctor is traveling through time and space to heal the wounds of the universe. See them in Doctor Who.