Because you like Titus Andromedon in Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

Fox Mulder is a devoted believer in aliens, monsters, and that the truth is out there. See them in The X-Files.

If only real life were as easy for Abed Nadir to understand as he knows pop culture. See them in Community.

In charge of stocking the office's supply of cigarettes and liquor, Joan Holloway could run the whole company if they would let her. See them in Mad Men.

Calling Alicia Florrick a "good wife" is damning this smart, capable, thoughtful woman with too-faint praise. See them in The Good Wife.

A Washington DC fixer, Olivia Pope can make roadblocks disappear with a single phone call. "It's handled" is her life motto. See them in Scandal.

As the White House Press Secretary, C. J. Cregg is a master of verbal karate and the best damn basketball player in Ohio Valley history. See them in The West Wing.

Angel is fighting as best as he can, but the disease might be too powerful for even his strong, positive energy. See them in Rent.

On the football field, Tim Riggins has it together. But off the field, he sports bloodshot eyes and broken hearts. See them in Friday Night Lights (TV).

Steven Universe is an excitable youth who likes junk food and trying to save the world. See them in Steven Universe.

If this slick ad man doesn't like the conversation, he changes it—while drinking and smoking. See them in Mad Men.