Because you like Leonard "Bones" McCoy in Star Trek
Honest, true, and just, Ned Stark is a good man. Unfortunately, those traits are not assets in Westerosi politics. See them in Game of Thrones.
Oscar Martinez is a national accountant in an office of weirdos. See them in The Office.
R2-D2 has been in the galaxy saving business for decades. Not bad for somebody whose vocabulary is limited to "beep-boop." See them in Star Wars Series.
Jyn Erso is a rebellious criminal tasked with stealing the blueprint to the Death Star to find its fatal flaw before it destroys the planet. See them in Rogue One.
Beneath Arthur's brash demeanor lurks the heart of a compassionate future king destined to unite the five kingdoms. See them in Merlin.
David Nolan is a noble fairy tale prince with the heart of a hero, regardless of whether he can remember his past or not. See them in Once Upon a Time.
Point the fun-loving Pippin Took towards second breakfast, and he's one happy hobbit. See them in The Lord of the Rings.
A devoted butler, Alfred Pennyworth is both a fiercely protective guardian and a lethal gunman. See them in Gotham.
Luke Skywalker always wanted to leave home, but he didn't expect that it would be as part of a quest to rescue a princess and save the galaxy. See them in Star Wars Series.
There's more to this sweet, caring landlady than meets the eye. See them in Sherlock.
Chewbacca is a loyal co-pilot who won't hesitate to rip your arm off. See them in Star Wars Series.
Waylon Smithers would do anything for his boss, and would love to do a few things *to* him. See them in The Simpsons.