Because you like Leeloo in The Fifth Element

A formerly righteous wizard, Saruman has been corrupted by the forces of evil. See them in The Lord of the Rings.

There can be no doubt that Ben Linus is a huge liar. But one man's lies are another man's necessary steps to protect his people. See them in Lost.

Baloo is a fun-lovin' bear who just needs the bare necessities of life See them in The Jungle Book.

Goh Peik Lin is funny, unfiltered, and a fiercely supportive friend. See them in Crazy Rich Asians.

Ofelia is face-to-face with the deadliest creatures of the underworld and completely unafraid. See them in Pan's Labryinth.

Pure charm, flirty and fashionable, Lando Calrissian will make sure to get the job done when necessary. See them in Star Wars Series.

Kesuke Miyagi is a karate expert who thinks the best way a scrawny high schooler can learn how to defend himself is by washing every surface in sight. See them in The Karate Kid.

Murph is inquisitive, compassionate, and stubborn, with a passion for science she shares with her dad. See them in Interstellar.

Danny Zuko's car is auto-matic. Its system-matic. Its hyyyyydro-matic. Why, its greased lightning! See them in Grease.

Aerith Gainsborough has lived a simple life, but when the world is threatened she's willing to step up and do whatever she can to help. See them in Final Fantasy Series.

A smart, spunky, and incredibly skilled gamer, Art3mis has a revolutionary spirit. See them in Ready Player One.