Because you like Mother Gothel in Tangled

A grumpy tourist trap owner, Grunkle Stan has a few deep secrets. See them in Gravity Falls.

Rainbow Dash's interests include flying, playing pranks, and generally being themost awesome pony around. See them in My Little Pony.

Reckless, vulgar, loud-mouthed: that's what makes Amethyst so awesome. See them in Steven Universe.

A confident celebrity, Allison Hargreeves wasn't quite careful enough about what she wished for. See them in The Umbrella Academy.

Quicksilver is a cocky speedster who could run around the world in the time it's taking you to read this. See them in Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Twisted and seemingly soulless, Bellatrix Lestrange finds joy in making others suffer. See them in Harry Potter Series.

With a dangerous medical condition, Ignoring the rules makes him feel like he’s in control. See them in Five Feet Apart.

Andy Bernard is a preppy Cornell grad who's very likely to break into an acapella performance. See them in The Office.

In constant agony, Ava Starr will do anything to give up the superpowers that are slowly killing her. See them in Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Knuckles the Echidna is a 16-year-old red echidna (aka a spiny anteater) and guardian of the ancient Master Emerald. See them in Sonic the Hedgehog.

Sidney Prescott is trying to return to life as a regular, teenage girl – one who doesn't cause rooms to go silent when she walks in. See them in Scream.