Because you like Teddy Sanders in Neighbors

Donna is boisterous and spunky traveller of the TARDIS, exploring worlds beyond the simple mundane enterprises of Earth. See them in Doctor Who.

Clarice Starling is patiently working with one serial killer to stop another. See them in The Silence of the Lambs.

Nicholas Angel is super-dedicated to his job as a police officer. Maybe a little too dedicated. See them in Hot Fuzz.

Often on the verge of a nervous breakdown, Annie Edison nevertheless manages to be the brain of the Greendale study group. See them in Community.

Adults call him troubled and kids call him crazy, but Donnie Darko is too busy following the instructions of a giant bunny rabbit to care. See them in Donnie Darko.

This mathematical genius doesn't have time for small talk; Alan Turing needs to break Enigma, the Nazi's cipher machine. See them in The Imitation Game.

Michelle Richardson's world revolves around her boyfriend. Alas, his world doesn't revolve around her. See them in Skins.

Galina Reznikov is the head chef of prison, cooking up meals as well as storms on anyone who dares to cross her; even the guards are terrified of her. See them in Orange Is The New Black.

Sid Jenkins is the ultimate underachiever, but he doesn't mind. Well, he pretends he doesn't. See them in Skins.

GLaDOS will supply the food when you get together: a delicious cake. Of course, it could just be a trap so she can kill you. It’s hard to say. See them in Portal Series.

Though Twilight might be opposed to it, her new friends might just be able to teach this serious-minded pony how to relax. See them in My Little Pony.