Because you like Neil McCormick in Mysterious Skin

Donkey Kong is a strong, banana-loving, and caring uncle to Diddy Kong. See them in Donkey Kong.

Rory Williams is a caring companion whose specialty is looking after others. See them in Doctor Who.

Joey Tribbiani's true passions in life are acting, sandwiches, football, sex, and asking ladies, "how you doing?" See them in Friends.

People make more sense to the hyper-logical Temperance Brennan after they're dead. See them in Bones.

Beloved by all, Lucy is the most corageous Pevensie. See them in The Chronicles of Narnia.

Fox McCloud leads a team of pilots through the Lylat System in search of the evil genius Andross, the villain that killed his father. See them in Star Fox.

A nurturing, selfless, and level-headed leader, Makoto Tachibana loves looking out for his friends. See them in Free! Iwatobi Swim Club.

Barry Allen is a nerd, forensics expert‚ and superhero with supersonic speed who is determined to solve his mother's murder. See them in DC Extended Universe.

Although Penny's friends have genius-level IQs, they regularly come to her for advice and insight. See them in The Big Bang Theory.

England may cultivate the image of a well-bred gentleman, but he has both the temper and mouth of a seasoned sailor. See them in Axis Powers Hetalia.

Fiery and adventurous, Amy Pond is the sort of woman you'd want by your side on a journey through time and space. See them in Doctor Who.

Leonard Hofstadter is the normal one among his scientist friends, though in fairness that's a low bar. See them in The Big Bang Theory.