Because you like James P. Sullivan in Monsters, Inc.

Herion is Mark Renton's favorite drug. He sniffs it, smokes it, swallows it, sticks it up his arse, and injects it into his veins. See them in Trainspotting.

Kathy is a natural caretaker who strives to find hope in even the darkest of times. See them in Never Let Me Go.

Todd Anderson has some “big shoes to fill” at Welton Academy, and new English teacher Mr. Keating isn’t letting him get away with staying silent in class. See them in Dead Poets Society.

A secret smoker, Margot Tenenbaum has plenty more secrets where that came from. See them in The Royal Tenenbaums.

Sydney Novak claims she’s “not special,” but her self-reportedly average life changes quickly once she begins to develop powers she can’t control. See them in I Am Not Okay With This.

Cosima Niehaus loves exploring the unknown. Even her own DNA is a puzzle, waiting to be unlocked. See them in Orphan Black.

Carrie Bradshaw is a sex columnist addicted to expensive shoes, Cosmopolitan martinis, and unavailable men. See them in Sex and the City.