Because you like August "Auggie" Pullman in Wonder

Nothing instills more fear in the Empire than the deep kshhh of Darth Vader breathing through his helmet. See them in Star Wars Series.

Everyone Barney Stinson knows is getting married or pregnant. But he's just getting more awesome. See them in How I Met Your Mother.

John Watson is haunted by his past (who isn't) but he's starting to branch out with some help from a world class detective. See them in Sherlock.

Talented but anxious, Shinji Ikari struggles to bear the challenges that life hands him. See them in Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Harry Mason has been told that he worries too much, that he's a little paranoid. But he just wants to protect what he loves. See them in Silent Hill.

Funny, self-destructive, and in her own head, Fleabag has spent most of her adult life using sex to deflect from the screaming void inside her empty heart. See them in Fleabag.

Due to his eagerness to hang with his kids and general goofiness, Phil Dunphy comes across as the fourth child of his family. See them in Modern Family.

A benevolent madman with a blue box, The Doctor is traveling through time and space to heal the wounds of the universe. See them in Doctor Who.

They say Babydoll has lost her mind. But why does it seem like she's the only sane one in her institution? See them in Sucker Punch.

Curving free kicks and crosses is tough, but keeping her soccer passion from her disapproving family is way tougher for Jess. See them in Bend It Like Beckham.

Aldous Snow is a rock star who plays hard and parties harder. See them in Get Him to the Greek.